A number of optional services you can use as needed are also available. There are no retainer fees – you pay only for what you use!
Managing Authorizations: Extending end dates? Follow-up on submitted reports? Requesting re-certification? We do all that.
Treatment Record Forms Development/Documentation: Need help organizing files? We can create forms and templates that make your professional life easier and decrease the burden of documentation. At the same time, they’ll meet industry standards for appropriate documentation.
Credentialing/Panel Applications: You don’t have to wade through the re-credentialing process every two years with no new information. We’ll keep all your information on file and help you submit it on paper, via CAQH, or on the website. When you want to join a new panel, we’ll help with that submission, too.
Insurance/Managed Care Contract Consulting: When you’re concerned about signing contracts and don’t really know what you’re being asked to sign, we can help! We’re familiar with the terms on literally hundreds of contracts. We’ll review the contract and give you a written description in plain English. We’ll also include pros and cons from our experience.
Rates/Contract Negotiations: Some companies actually DO allow you to negotiate with them. We’ll help you with what is and isn’t likely to be negotiable and find the correct person to approach at the company. If you choose, we’ll even do the negotiating for you.
Audit Consulting: Being audited by Medicare or a third-party payer is rare for an independent practitioner. But it does happen! If you have been, or are being, audited you don’t have to panic. We’ll consult with you about the process and help you make a great impression.
Appeals Consulting: Appealing denials does sometimes work! You must be careful in how you approach the appeal, the framing of your arguments, and the evidence you can provide to enhance your case. We’ll consult with you regarding how feasible an appeal might be and on how to present your case.
Electronic Remittance Advice: Want to get paid faster with fewer trips to the bank? Less paper to handle? Let us help. Electronic funds transfer is available from major payers. Your money is deposited faster, without trips to the bank! We can get the Remittance Advice from our clearinghouse. It’s electronic, posted usually up to a week faster than a faxed EOB. So, if your patient owes money, they’ll get a statement up to a week sooner. Your electronic EOBs/remittances are securely stored online and can be viewed by you any time. We send an email notification of deposits for easy reconciling with your daily deposits.